Calculator of Civil
This calculator can fix the pay of Pakistan federal government civil servants and as well as provincial government of civil servants from BPS-01 to BPS-21. Calculator process of fixation the basic pay can be fixed in just a few seconds or minutes depending of the data, Calculator did not need any old traditional ways to find out pay fixation of a civil servant of Pakistan, not need of all revised pay scale charts are needed from BPS-01 to BPS-21 of pay scales, no need of any type of rulers which is use for straight line point to point steps to be follow with out a missing of any steps, it is always very hard working procedure to concentration.
How to enter data in calculator
First you should enter by double click in front of date of appointment cell. You should enter data of civil servant by just entering his date according to the format which should be followed for example date should be written in day month and year (22 Apr 1996) with out using of any type of dash (-), comma (,), slash (/) or any special characters in date format, month should be written in short format for example Apr, May etc and year you should be allowed what ever you wants to write either you should write full or short format of year for example 96 or 1996. Calculator itself converted date into 22/4/96 or 22-4-96 format depending of you system date.
In grade column one should just pouch numbers for example (17) application automatically converted grade into BPS-17 or select the grade by using the drop down menu by using the mouse.
And further more in Option/Add Inc cell in front of Date of appointment should be nil but if appointment is before 1994 then you should follow the service book where you can be find out how many increments civil servant earn at that time this calculator could not calculate how much increment civil servant earn due to many allowance marge in basic pay. whereas some civil servant earn 2 increments or some case they earn 4 plus increments. So, in first promotion and aftermath promotions you can enter that option/event which event was exercisers at that time on particular date of promotion or upgradation in the civil servant service, for example employees got promotion, upgradation, timescale or appointed for new job in different grade etc.
As Government civil servant data enter in the calculator/application, its itself provide you result in quick sessions, Whenever any event happened in the services either civil servant basic pay change and this changes were happened due to Annual scale increments (1st December), Revision of Pay scale, promotion with option , promotion without option, time scale, any up gradation and appointment in new grade or scale, The report will generated in blink of seconds. Report is complete in all aspects with the dates, description, grade and grades initial stage increment and final stage of scale.