Pension Restoration

Pension Restoration

In addition to monthly pension, the pensioner also receives cash pension (commutation). So after a certain number of years that cash pension is again added to the monthly pension. This process is called Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension. In simple words it is called restoration. While people call it double pension. Since commutation is calculated on the basis of age, restoration is also calculated on the basis of the age of the employee. Out of 100% of pension, commutation can be taken up to 35% today. An employee who retires at all the age of 60 will be restored after 12 years. which find pension restoration table. Whereas the restoration period for employees taking pension before sixty years is gradually longer. Restoration is on the age of the employee and not on the age of his widow. For restoration, it is necessary that the pensioner has taken commutation at the time of retirement. If he has given the option not to take commutation, then such an employee will not be restored because 100% pension has been issued to him in monthly form at the same time. By which pensioner can know the restoration date. The procedure for provincial employees is similar, most provinces follow federal commutation rules.

How to find Pensioner Restoration Date?

What pensioner have to do to find out the restoration time is suppose an employee retired on 8th August 2022 or dies in service and his date of birth is 26th September 2022, so first of you should find out how old pensioner was at the time of or retirement or dearth. In the above example since the age is 44 years, so now in the table of restoration see his next birthday 45 year that 22 years are written in front of him, therefore, it is understood that the restoration will be completed after 16 years of retirement or death of the employee. That is the restoration time is complete on 26th September 2044.

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